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"The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. It is an extension of the brain, being incredibly endowed with hundreds of thousands of nerve endings, microscopic blood vessels, muscle and other tissues.
The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. the nerve fibres receive their impulses by way of their connections to he optic nerve, optic thalami and spinal cord...
In this way, Nature has provided us with a miniature television screen showing the most remote portions of the body by way of the nerve reflex responses. We are discovering that they eye works two ways; not only does it enable us to bring images of the outside world within, it also shows us what is within to the outside.
The iris reveals an individuals strengths and weaknesses and what has been done to the body through incorrect living habits..." - Bernard Jensen, D.C., Nutritionist
Bach Flower Essences / Dr. Terry Willard Essences.
Essences are a form of vibrational healing which simply means using the vibration of something to help yourself heal.
Essences can help if you're feeling unbalanced, having a really bad day, not your best self, feeling overwhelmed and anxious, going through a big life change, someone close to you has passed away or is ill, you're confused about something....and lots of other situations as well
Facial Analysis and Tissue Cell Salts
“Read in your face what you and your loved ones are missing.” — Kurt Hickethier
The facial analysis of cell salt deficiencies was pioneered in Germany by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler who founded the 12 cell salts mineral therapy, first documented by Kurt Hickethier who published his book “Sonnerschau: Lehrbuch der Antlitz-Diagnostik” (“Sonnerschau: Textbook about the Facial Diagnosis”) in 1936, and expanded by their admirers. This approach can help you find greater balance and health by reducing mineral deficiencies detected in the face. When certain signs appear in your face, the use of one or more cell salts can be given to replenish your mineral and nutrient reserves and so you begin to feel stronger, more energetic, and more mentally clear.
Distance Reiki
Distance Reiki, often referred to as remote or absentee healing, is a technique within the Reiki system that allows practitioners to send healing energy to individuals, situations, or events regardless of their physical location. This practice is based on the principle that energy is not confined by time or space and can be channelled anywhere. During a distance Reiki session, the practitioner connects with the recipient's energy field, often using specific symbols and intentions, to facilitate healing just as effectively as if they were in the same room.
At its core, Reiki is a spiritual practice, and distance Reiki is no exception. The ability to send healing energy across distances is deeply rooted in the belief in a higher power or universal energy source, often referred to as the "Life Force Energy." Practitioners believe that this energy is omnipresent and can be accessed and channelled for healing purposes. The spiritual foundation of distance Reiki also emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the idea that we are all part of a larger, unified whole. By tapping into this universal energy and interconnectedness, Reiki practitioners can send healing intentions and energy to recipients, regardless of where they are in the world. - Reiki Distance Healing
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